Thomas Holzheu Chief Economist Americas Swiss Re Institute

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As Head of the Swiss Re Institute for the Americas, Thomas is responsible for Swiss Re’s American economic and insurance market research. This includes the sigma studies — Swiss Re’s research series on the insurance industry.

Thomas and his team support Swiss Re’s strategic planning on market developments, the economic environment, the competitive landscape and regulatory factors affecting insurance and reinsurance markets in the Americas. His research focuses on the relationships between the general economy, capital markets and the insurance and reinsurance markets. Thomas is the author of several sigma studies on trends in the worldwide insurance industries, covering a broad range of topics including non-traditional re/insurance solutions, the global underinsurance of property risks, economic and non-economic liability claims drivers and the impact of inflation on insurance. He frequently speaks on economic, insurance and risk-related topics.

Thomas joined the Swiss Re Group in 1990 and has worked in Germany, Switzerland and the US. Prior experiences include marketing services, treaty underwriting, corporate development and competitor analysis.

Thomas graduated from the University of Munich with an M.S. and a Ph.D. in economics.

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